Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hello Lovelies

       I've started multiple blogs and I've deleted multiple blogs. Let's hope that I don't do the same with this one. It's really easy for me to start rambling on and on about things that aren't interesting to anyone. Oh, look, I'm doing it again.
       So this is basically a disclaimer.
       This blog is about my opinion on various books that I read. If you don't agree with what I have to say, feel free to voice your thoughts as nicely as you possibly can. I'm not a professional book critic. I am a teenager with a love for reading and a desire to express her views to other people out there who share my bibliophilic tendencies.
       I attempted to go through my library's teen shelf alphabetically and read every blurb on every book. When I got to the J's, I was exhausted with reading bad YA fiction and I decided to try the same plan with the adult section of my library. What I've discovered is that adult fiction is a lot like YA fiction; the only difference is that they write about sex and gory things that wouldn't make it on shelves for children.
       So that is some background on how I'm choosing the books I read. If anyone has any suggestions about books that I should read, I welcome them with open arms and many hugs.

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